dear diary...
it feels so good to start again.
in april, i lost myself. the experience left a scar on me, reminding me of what i have been through, but also how i was able to carry on.
i was hospitalized for a week. it was maybe the most important week ever in my life. i had time to reflect on myself. i feel bad for saying this, since everybody cried around me, but it felt like a much-needed vacation.
i left a lot of things behind that room. sometimes, i feel like we get a little too caught up that we miss the bigger picture. i lost a lot of things dear to me, but the whole thing opened my eyes.

as to the website, i had lost all my motivation for the website. for one, it didn't feel right to keep my e-mails and my writings in the site as it didn't reflect me anymore. i knew i needed to update it but i never felt like it.
then, i started to build it from the scratch. i really hope you guys will like it like i do.

as for the future, i have plans to leave my hometown around fall, which isn't that far. i have around one or two months left. it is so surreal but it also feels right. a fresh breath of air awaits. i really hope i'll like the new place and be able to adjust. the timing feels right.

thank you for reading so far. and thank u for following me throughout this journey :p
