Dear Reader,

when i first created this website i had a goal in mind.
to recreate the countless letters i wrote about him
and publish it so that the pain within is turned into a creative work.
i had a choice - to forgive and forget
or i could acknowledge it and move on naturally.

the journey is far from over, perhaps
but i am feeling better about myself
as i understand that i had no fault over what happened.

my life i had been surrounded by men and their wrongdoings
whether it was my father who cheated or the man i loved
nothing is permanent - i will outgrow this
but i won't force myself to fasten the process.

that's the thing,
i always let myself not get distracted by "artificial" problems because i had endured worse
but it doesn't work like that... if you're feeling sad, let yourself.
you don't have to feel guilty it - never feel guilty about it.

it's been a long while since i contacted both parties, him or his new girlfriend
i have moved on from the situation - no matter how slightly neurotic i might seem. :)

special thanks to:
the system.css and 98.css creators - couldn't have done it without them
lots and lots of images borrowed from now-defunct geocities pages
the background images from sadgrl's collection and hekate's background archive
the outdated midi webpages that really held this together
the emails i can't send album that inspired me a lot... and i mean, a lot.
and carrie bradshaw (lol)

as i finished my e-mail section (for now - i might include a few more in the future)
i will focus on the other parts of the page :P
thank u for reading up to this point

lots of love,
